About me

I am a fresh graduate with experience in developing projects in Web Development, Android Development, and Machine Learning. During my studies, I have worked on various projects, such as creating responsive web applications, developing Android applications with user-friendly interfaces, and implementing machine learning models for data analysis. I am always interested in learning the latest tools and frameworks to create efficient and innovative technology solutions. My passion for technology and creativity drives me to constantly evolve and explore new opportunities in the industry.

Beyond technical skills, I also have interests in creative fields, such as music production and video editing, which help me hone my problem-solving and out-of-the-box thinking skills. I enjoy reading, travelling, and exploring new cultures for inspiration and fresh perspectives. I am always open to collaboration opportunities, discussions, or job opportunities in the tech industry. If you are interested in connecting, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!

What i'm doing

  • design icon

    Web design

    The most modern and high-quality design made at a professional level.

  • Web development icon

    Web development

    Professional website development with various frameworks.

  • mobile app icon

    Mobile apps

    Experience in Android application development.

  • Promt

    Promt Engineer

    I create commands that the AI can process properly and produce appropriate results.


  • Balai Bahasa Aceh

    Balai Bahasa Aceh

    Khairil Ilmi telah menyelesaikan proyek Kamus KBDA Pusat Bahasa Aceh dengan hasil yang luar biasa. Kami sangat terkesan dengan dedikasi, keahlian, dan perhatiannya terhadap detail dalam memenuhi kebutuhan proyek. Khairil tidak hanya memberikan solusi yang tepat waktu, tetapi juga memastikan setiap aspek pekerjaannya berkualitas tinggi dan sesuai dengan harapan kami. Kerja samanya yang profesional dan komunikasinya yang jelas membuat proses kolaborasi menjadi sangat menyenangkan. Kami sangat merekomendasikan Khairil untuk proyek-proyek serupa dan berharap dapat bekerja sama lagi di masa depan. Terima kasih, Khairil, atas kontribusi yang berharga!


    BAWASLU Bener Meriah

    Khairil Ilmi berkontribusi dalam proyek Quick Count Pilkada Bener Meriah 2024 yang diselenggarakan oleh BAWASLU. Kami sangat puas dengan hasil kerjanya yang detail, akurat, dan inovatif. Dengan pengalaman dan dedikasinya, Khairil berhasil memastikan proses quick count berjalan transparan dan efisien, mencerminkan suara demokratis masyarakat Bener Meriah. Keahliannya dalam mengelola proyek teknologi yang kompleks layak diapresiasi, dan kami sangat merekomendasikan Khairil untuk proyek-proyek serupa di masa depan.

  • Rubrico.id


    Khairil Ilmi berkontribusi dalam pengembangan website berita kami, Rubrico.id, sebuah media informasi penyiar berita berbasis di Banda Aceh. Kami sangat puas dengan hasil kerjanya yang profesional, kreatif, dan detail. Khairil berhasil menciptakan platform yang responsif, user-friendly, dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan kami sebagai media berita. Dedikasinya dalam memastikan proyek selesai tepat waktu dan berkualitas tinggi sangat diapresiasi. Kami sangat merekomendasikan Khairil untuk proyek pengembangan website dan teknologi lainnya.



  1. Universitas Syiah Kuala

    2021 — 2024

    During my education at Syiah Kuala University, I actively developed my skills in information technology, especially in web development, mobile application, and machine learning. I was also involved in various academic projects and campus organisations that enriched my experience and problem-solving skills.

  2. SMAN 1 Timang Gajah

    2018 — 2021

    At SMAN 1 Timang Gajah, I honed my leadership and organisational skills by becoming the student council president. This experience helped me build my management, communication and teamwork skills, which are important foundations in facing challenges in the professional world.

  3. SMPN 1 Timang Gajah

    2015 — 2018

    My junior high school years at SMPN 1 Timang Gajah was a period where I started to be active in school organisational activities, including being an OSIS board member. This trained me to be responsible, disciplined and to work together in a team, which became important values in my personal development.


  1. Web Developer · Fictro Academy

    Des 2024 - Mar 2025 · 4 bln | Banda Aceh, Indonesia (Hybrid)

    As a Web Developer at Fictro Academy, I contributed to developing and maintaining web applications with a focus on creating scalable, efficient, and user-friendly platforms. Utilized Laravel and PhpMyAdmin to build robust back-end systems and enhance web interfaces. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to implement new features, troubleshoot issues, and optimize user experience.

  2. Software Developer · Balai Bahasa Provinsi Aceh

    Okt 2024 - Nov 2024 · 2 bln | Banda Aceh, Indonesia (Remote)

    Worked part-time as a Software Developer at Balai Bahasa Provinsi Aceh, contributing to the development of software solutions to support language preservation and education initiatives. Gained experience in remote collaboration and project management.

  3. Software Developer Intern · PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero)

    Agu 2024 - Sep 2024 · 2 bln | Lhokseumawe, Indonesia (On-site)

    Completed an internship at PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), where I worked on-site in Lhokseumawe. Assisted in developing and maintaining software systems, gaining hands-on experience in enterprise-level development and teamwork.

  4. Web Developer · Rubrico.id

    Jun 2024 - Sep 2024 · 4 bln | Banda Aceh, Indonesia (Remote)

    Worked as a part-time Web Developer at Rubrico.id, a media news company in Banda Aceh. Developed and maintained their website, ensuring a responsive and user-friendly platform for delivering news content.

  5. Cohort | Android Learning Path · Bangkit Academy

    Feb 2024 - Agu 2024 · 7 bln | Indonesia (Remote)

    Participated in the Bangkit Academy program led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka. Focused on Android development, gaining skills in mobile app development, problem-solving, and collaboration in a remote learning environment.

My skills

  • Promt Engineer
  • Web Development
  • Branding
  • Machine Learning
  • Android Development




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